Remember the cool girl at school who always had the best new stuff a beat before anyone else had heard of it—and you couldn’t even be mad about it because she was also super nice? That’s Liz Gumbinner, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Cool Mom Picks and Cool Mom Tech, hands-down two of my favorite trend sites. I caught up with Liz to see what was on her own personal device.
1. How would you describe your relationship with tech in a word or two?
Always learning.
2. How does tech play into your everyday life?
I’m connected by iPhone nearly all day, if not pounding away on my MacBook. (Yes, unabashed Apple devotee.) I ditched my landline years ago, and headphones are my new best friend—I’m wary of having a cell phone against my brain so frequently. I have lots of meetings via FaceTime or Google Hangouts. And because I publish Cool Mom Tech, I’m not only connected, I’m constantly trying new technology, downloading apps, searching for news and recommendations. I’ve gone from the person who used to think html was pronounced “hatemail” to someone who’s firing off an email about garbage code in our site CSS. Every so often I hear these techie things come out of my mouth and think, who am I?
3. Must-have gadget for managing life and home?
I couldn’t live without my iPhone. It’s my navigator, calendar, address book, photo album, e-reader, entertainment center, and most recently, Roku remote. Which was a lifesaver when the batteries died in the actual remote right in the middle of Orange is the New Black.
4. Favorite tech-ccessory?
The Belkin WeMo connects to any appliance so it can be controlled wirelessly from your phone. Air conditioner, lights, whatever. I have my electric cat litter box hooked to one, so I can do a clean sweep just before I get home. Pretty amazing. (And don’t ask why I have an electric cat litter box.)
5. Desert island app for managing life or just having fun?
Adore the Snapseed photo editing app for daily life, but for fun, I reluctantly admit I’m a Candy Crush girl.