Hi, I’m Carley— mom of two, taco enthusiast, and your friend in technology. When I’m not on the Today Show or working with HGTV, I’m writing about how we can all make more mindful use of our tech, and make more meaningful connections in a hyperconnected world.
Here are a few other thoughts I’ve had about how to stay well in a techy world. If you feel the same way, I think you’ll like it here!
The Manifesto
It’s time to get smarter about how we use technology— to be safer, guard our privacy, and be more aware of where we are exposed.
Let’s reward companies that respect our privacy, our time, and our sanity, and demand better from others.
It’s time to leverage technology to make things, build skills, be creative and inspire people. And spend less time consuming things passively.
We need to get out from behind our screens and seek out real life connectionsmore (spoiler: I know an app or two that can help you do that!)
It’s time to stop letting technology compromise our physical and emotional wellbeing. If something doesn’t feel good, in your mind or heart, turn away and turn off notifications that draw you back.
We need to create stronger boundaries and have ongoing conversations around technology at home, so we can raise healthy kids who have a balanced relationship with their devices and stay safe online.
We must pay attention to our bodies, which weren’t designed to hunch over and thumb at a screen all day (real talk: that’s me as I write this). Let’s be more mindful of when we need to close our eyes, stretch, take a walk, or disconnect for the day.